Nariño, Colombia
Shortbread • Dark Chocolate Ganache
Processing: Washed
Buesaco is located at 1950 m.a.s.l. in the department of Nariño where Colombia’s three Andes mountain ranges converge. The mountainous topography, cool to moderate climate and volcanic ash soil make Nariño a very special quality coffee producer. Temperature highs of 25°C are perfect for slow cherry maturation, leading to a sweeter and more complex cup. Coffees from Buesaco are harvested from May to August and the main concern is avoiding the heavy rains that may affect this area of the country which make the drying process difficult for the farmers. Small family farms located on the slopes surrounding the main village contributed to this amazing lot through their relationship with cooperatives such as Alianza Café and Terra Association.
VARIETY Caturra, Castillo
Green beans ethically sourced by Cofinet